OUR centre
Yarram Early Learning is a purpose built 75 place integrated early learning centre located within the Yarram Hub. The centre opened in July 2015 after almost 10 years of planning for the facility and the service provision. The centre is overseen by a community based, not for profit Committee of Management, Yarram Early Learning Inc. The nine member committee was formed in February 2015 and has local representation of centre users, Yarram based organisations and community members.
The Committee of Management support the Centre Director who is responsible for the day to day running of the centre.
As a new centre, our aim is to work in partnership with our local community to meet their needs. We are also striving to develop a sound business model that makes sure there is access to Early Learning programs and services long into the future.
We have a great facility with stimulating indoor and outdoor program areas and access to a wide range of activities at the neighbouring library, wetlands area, swimming pool and parks and gardens.
We welcome you to visit us at any time and talk with our welcoming staff about our high standards of care and education for children in our care.
Our committee members
Chairperson: Malissa Nicol | Vice Chairperson: Anne Morris | Secretary: Gregor MacAulay | Treasurer: Rebekah Muir |
Member: Amy Norman | Member: Helen Dwyer | Member: | Member: |
Quality Improvement Plan
The aim of a QIP is to help providers self-assess our performance in delivering quality education and care and plan future and ongoing improvements for the families enrolled at Yarram Earling learning. The QIP also helps regulatory authorities with assessing the quality of the service provided by Yarram Early Learning.
We have attached our most recent Quality Improvement Plan for families and the wider community to access as family and community involvement and feedback are essential to creating a program that delivers quality education and care to all children and families at the service.