My Family, My Self Parents and educators working together increases the learning outcomes for children. This partnership focuses on the sharing of information about your child to ensure planned experiences are meaningful. This form will be given to the educators in your child’s room.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 5Child's Name *FirstLastDoes your child have a preferred name or nickname:Cultural Background/Traditions:Please Indicate if there are any events your family celebrates or events you do not wish your child to participate in. e.g. Christmas, Birthdays or Easter.What room will your child be entering: *NgarawertNgarawertWook GookTarlaGidiBatalukTiddalekHas your child attended any Early Childhood Education and Care services perviously? *YESNOE.g. Family Day Care, In-Home Care, other Centres or Kindergartens. Please provide details: *E.g. Where, how long for, how was there experience? ( Did they enjoy it, settle well, any concerns)NextSleep Routine:What time/s and how long does your child sleep for, please write N/A if your child does not sleep during the day.Does your child require to be given bottles whilst in care? *YESNOBottles *Please include the time bottles are required.Milk Type *Breast MilkBreast MilkFormulaCows MilkOtherPlease select the type of milk for your child.Daily Routines *Please provide a brief explanation of your child’s daily routine in order of events. Include, bottles, sleep and meal times.Eating Habits: *Indicate any eating habits your child may have. E.g. likes to self feed, only eats small amounts at a time, often will continuously eat if food is in front of them. If none, please write N/A.Does your child have a comfort item. e.g. blanket, dummie, soft toy. *YESNOWhat is your child's comfort item?What helps settle your child? *E.g. Cuddles, a comfort item, close friends, routine, a certain song.Does your child have any favourite books? *Please provide the titleNextThe people in your family: *Include names of people who live in your child’s home and significant others in your child’s life (ie: aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends)Pets:Include any pets, what sort of animal and their name/s.My child enjoys: *E.g. Tv shows, playing outside, cuddles, messy play, dancing.My child does not enjoy: *E.g. Loud noises, crowds, new situations, messy play, sitting down. Does your child have any fears or dislikes that we should be aware of?E.g. Clowns, bubbles. balloons, sirens, SantaMy child is learning to: *E.g. Count, spell their name, toileting, alphabet, reading, feed themselves. Sometimes, my child may need extra assiatance with: *E.g. Toileting, getting dressed, writing, understanding directions/instructions, regulating emotions, pencil/pen grip, eating.What is your child looking forward to learning about *E.g. Bugs, animals, counting, writing their name, local environment.What does your child want to know about the Centre and what do they want their educators to know about them?E.g. Who comes, who are their educators going to be, who is in each room, where they can play, what they get to do, where are the toilets. NextBehaviour Guidance: My child responds better to: *E.g. Calming tones, cuddles, one-on-one, talking, writing about it, direct/clear words.I would like my child to achieve: *E.g. Toilet training, writing their name, counting, social interactions, confidence.What does your family think may help your child transition and settle into our centre? *E.g. Drop off routines, certain activities they enjoy, having responsibilities (helping set up an activity), a song they may like, eating.Are there any areas of development that you would like specific support in? *YESNOPlease provide details: *E.g. Social, physical, language, cognitive. NextWe encourage all families to be involved in our Centre and invite you to participate in our educational program. Do you have any special interests or talents you would like to share with the children?Do you have any concerns or worries about your child starting at the centre? *YESNOPlease provide details: *Is there anything else about your child that you would like to share with us?Thank you for sharing this information with us, it will be valuable for our Educators in supporting your child’s smooth transition into their new room.NameSubmit